IRS NetLetter Alberta – Legal Insights on Impaired Driving
Gunn Law Group has found a unique way to ring in the new year. Starting in January 2025, once a month, the lawyers at Gunn Law Group will be collaborating to offer the public an IRS NetLetter addressing the evolution of impaired driving law in Alberta.
An IRS refers to an Immediate Roadside Sanction, also known as a Notice of Administrative Penalty (NAP). As most of you know, in Alberta, a driver who is stopped for the first time on an allegation of an alcohol-related driving offence will not normally receive criminal charges unless there was an accident or some other significant aggravating circumstance. Usually, the person will receive an administrative sanction which can be appealed.
We anticipate that this new IRS NetLetter service will be of benefit to all those who are interested in the evolving jurisprudence surrounding SafeRoads Alberta adjudications. When someone receives a Notice of Administrative Penalty for an impaired driving-related offence, such as driving with a blood alcohol level over the legal limit, failing or refusing to provide a breath sample, or driving while the ability to operate a motor vehicle is impaired by alcohol or a drug, the driver is often told by friends and family that there is no way to beat these kinds of accusations.
Gunn Law Group’s IRS NetLetter will put an end to that rumour once and for all! We will be highlighting cases from SafeRoads Alberta adjudicators where drivers in various scenarios have fought their NAP and won their IRS Alberta hearing. We will also include cases from the Court of King’s Bench and the Court of Appeal, where justices are reviewing and interpreting SafeRoads decisions, as well as clarifying the legislation.
The IRS system came into being in Alberta in December, 2020. The law is evolving in this area every day. If you are interested in keeping up to date on the law but would like to have someone else do the research for you, you need look no further than Gunn Law Group’s IRS NetLetters. The NetLetters can be found on Gunn Law Group’s website under IRS Alberta.
Download Your Free SafeRoads Alberta Guide: Know Your Rights and Options
Facing an Immediate Roadside Sanction (IRS)? Learn how to navigate the SafeRoads Alberta system, dispute penalties, and protect your driving record. Download our comprehensive guide now.