With the end of 2018 came a whole new era in impaired driving prosecutions. Many amendments have been made to the Criminal Code since the first version of the [...]
With the end of 2018 came a whole new era in impaired driving prosecutions. Many amendments have been made to the Criminal Code since the first version of the [...]
The changes the federal government made on December 18, 2018 are arguably the most radical changes since 1969, when breath-testing for alcohol on a large scale became possible and the [...]
Alberta has long been one of the few Canadian provinces which treat unmarried couples differently than married couples when it comes to the division of property upon the end of [...]
Your Alberta Administrative Licences Suspension (AALS) – How it Works If you were arrested and charged with impaired driving, driving with a blood alcohol content over the legal limit, or [...]
This time last year we were trying to anticipate what the new Criminal Code amendments to the laws on impaired driving would mean for our clients. Our lawyers have [...]
COVID19 has resulted in a shutdown of the courts with the exception of "essential functions". Family law cases such as divorces and separations, support and maintenance, and parenting time and [...]
When they introduced the new SafeRoads Alberta system, the government put a lot of emphasis on how the new system would be so simple and easy to access: If [...]
Where has the last year gone? We are already approaching one year since the legislation on Immediate Roadside Sanctions came into effect in Alberta on December 1, 2020. In [...]
Have you heard about the new impaired driving laws in Alberta? Are you confused? You’re not the only ones! Hi, I’m Shannon Gunn Emery, one of the lawyers with [...]
On June 4, the Alberta government announced that it intends to dramatically change the laws on impaired driving in Alberta. If passed, the new laws would take effect towards [...]