KEEPING YOU LEGALLY INFORMED2022-08-08T21:41:13-06:00

Future of the Law on Impaired Driving in Alberta


On June 4, the Alberta government announced that it intends to dramatically change the laws on impaired driving in Alberta. If passed, the new laws would take effect towards the end of this year. Many clients have been calling and wondering if the new law might affect their outstanding charges. It won't. The new law will, however, have a dramatic effect on those stopped and investigated for impaired driving in the new year. There is much in the proposed legislation to make a defence lawyer shiver. Make no mistake! [...]

An Update on how COVID 19 is Affecting the Court


COVID 19 continues to affect Criminal and Family Law proceedings, as well as Traffic Court.  Gunn Law’s team of Family, Criminal and Impaired Driving Lawyers are monitoring the situation closely and are always ready to help you through whatever your facing. Here are updates on how it is affecting the various courts in Alberta, Northwest Territories and Yukon Criminal In Alberta Provincial Court, if the matter does not fall under a category of an essential function, any dates currently scheduled for court between now and July 3, 2020 [...]

Alberta Administrative Licences Suspension (AALS) How it Works


Your Alberta Administrative Licences Suspension (AALS) – How it Works If you were arrested and charged with impaired driving, driving with a blood alcohol content over the legal limit, or refusal to provide a breath sample, you were likely served with a document called “Notice of Suspension/Disqualification.” This document is given to you to inform you that, unfortunately, you are suspended from driving in Alberta. This suspension is called the Alberta Administrative License Suspension, or AALS. The AALS suspension lasts for a total of 15 months, and is divided into [...]

COVID 19 and the Courts


We have clients from all over the country. Each province and territory has been scrambling to try to find ways to meaningfully respond to the COVID19 pandemic that is effectively shutting down the country. The responses of each jurisdiction, and each level of court within that jurisdiction, have been similar but differ in details. In general, the courts have shut down non-essential services and are trying to put into place measures to keep both court staff and the community at large safe. Below is a summary of what we [...]

COVID 19 and Family Law Files


COVID19 has resulted in a shutdown of the courts with the exception of "essential functions". Family law cases such as divorces and separations, support and maintenance, and parenting time and decision making are now adjourned for months. But here at Gunn Law Group, we may be able to resolve your issues even before your next date arises. Our family lawyers are trained mediators who believe in the power of alternative dispute resolution. We get more done out of court (faster and less expensively) than you could do in court. Through [...]



Alberta has long been one of the few Canadian provinces which treat unmarried couples differently than married couples when it comes to the division of property upon the end of the relationship. As of January 1, 2020, that is no longer the case. On January 1, 2020, Alberta’s Matrimonial Property Act (“MPA”), which applied only to married couples, was renamed the Family Property Act (“FPA”) and, along with that name change came the inclusion within the FPA of “adult interdependent partners”, as well as significant modifications to the law that [...]

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