KEEPING YOU LEGALLY INFORMED2022-08-08T21:41:13-06:00

Alberta Impaired Driving Law Changes of December 18, 2018


The changes the federal government made on December 18, 2018 are arguably the most radical changes since 1969, when breath-testing for alcohol on a large scale became possible and the offence of “over 80” made its debut in the Criminal Code. For the first time, police can require a motorist, under pain of prosecution, to provide a sample of breath into a screening device without having any reason to believe the person is under the influence of alcohol or even suspect the person has consumed alcohol. The request can be [...]

Language Rights in Alberta


I was sitting in court on Friday, waiting for the Court of Queen's Bench Appearance Court to start when the presiding justice, Chief Justice Moreau, played a recording for everyone. The recording outlined, in French and English, how everyone has the right to have their trials conducted in either of the official languages. This was new! Some people in court appeared surprised but this is just the latest positive change we are seeing for language rights in Alberta. In an 18 page decision, R v Vaillancourt (written in French [...]

An Anniversary and a Time for Reflection


This time last year we were trying to anticipate what the new Criminal Code amendments to the laws on impaired driving would mean for our clients. Our lawyers have been kept very busy since the new laws took effect on December 18, 2018. As we approach the one-year anniversary of the amendments, Gunn Law Group is taking this time to look back at how the amendments have played out and what we may expect in the future. The introduction of mandatory alcohol screening (referred to as the MAS demand) [...]



On December 5, 2019, the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench issued an official announcement that Collaborative Law Processes will now officially qualify as an alternative dispute resolution service that the Courts will recognize as meeting their requirements. Among other things, the announcement stated, “A Collaborative Law Process is hereby designated a dispute resolution process for the purpose of Rule 4.16(1) and the Mandatory ADR Rules”. This is a historic moment in Alberta. The Court of Queen’s Bench’s announcement is further evidence of the shift that has been happening in [...]



If you are going through separation or divorce and considering litigation to resolve your family law issues, you may wish to consider mediation as an alternative to going to court. Mediation is almost always less expensive and faster than litigation, and it also offers a host of other potential benefits. The seasoned divorce lawyers at Gunn Law Group in Edmonton, Alberta prepared this article to explain the mediation process and highlight the advantages of using mediation to resolve family law disputes. What is mediation? Mediation is a way of helping [...]



By the time a couple has decided it is time for divorce, there has already been trauma in the relationship. Fractures in communication, respect and understanding are only some aspects of what may bring a couple to the point of deciding to end their relationship formally. Unfortunately, the preparations for divorce, more often than not, can exacerbate the issues that led to the rupture in the first place, making the process extremely uncomfortable. In addition, the length, cost and complexity of litigation in court can exhaust emotional and financial [...]

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